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Letter: Ogden’s mixed up priorities on budget, airport

Jul 15, 2022

Having just attended Ogden City Council meeting regarding fiscal 2023 budget proposals. This meeting was attended by records numbers per council chairperson Blair. He made the comment “what have we done wrong?” Nothing yet! I feel that there needs to be accountability when public taxpayers’ money is spent. Ogden upper management is some of the highest paid in the state per comments made at this meeting. I also believe that the people voting on the proposed budget is a conflict of interest. This is proposed by the way of a tax increase for everyone in Ogden. There needs to be some accountability at Ogden Hinckley Airport (OGD). There have been millions spent frivolously in recent years. A consultant firm was paid thousands to tell Ogden what they wanted desperately to hear — carrier air traffic. The Airport advisory board with over 100 years of experience said this would not happen. They were all replaced with people with no experience. Current spending on terminal building that is now vacant because of no carrier in or out of OGD. The plan is to spend of hundreds of thousands of dollars for remodel for future carrier traffic! Allegiant is spending millions at Provo? The manager has dreams of scoring a different carrier. Spirit airline is in the middle of a buyout that stockholders will vote on for a profit. Ogden is a losing market for carriers, history proves. Instead of spending millions to entice carriers to lose money at OGD there is millions that could be generated by catering to the general aviation industry. OGD is a toxic environment. Who would want to spend one cent at OGD? Title 8 makes every lease worthless. OGD could be the crown jewel of northern Utah or even the Western United States. But instead, it is avoided by the toxicity that management implements. There should be a public outcry to have an independent audit of OGD.

Kelly Crozier



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