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Letter: Paper missing info about Daughters of Utah Pioneers

Jul 23, 2022

This is just my opinion but being a member of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers (DUP) for a few years now, I have watched as many wonderful women and men devote a lot of time to our community and making the history of our ancestors. Many hours and years have gone into preserving the history of Ogden and the surrounding areas for the younger generations to learn and enjoy about their heritage. Old cabins have been restored and the wonderful work on the Pioneer Memorial Museum is a treasure for everyone to visit and learn from.

It was very disappointing to me and several others that the newspaper did not acknowledge the DUP Weber County Queen and her attendants, they work so hard and most are in their late 70’s and 80’s to not have them even talked about in our paper and announced when the 24th of July is about our Pioneer ancestors is just sad. Not one picture was posted of all they have done or attended, they were even announced at the Rodeo on July 20th and rode in the 4th of July Parade in No Ogden and also not even their names were printed for the 24th of July Ogden Parade and no word of all that was going on at the Museum after the parade.

It was noted who the Grand Marshals were and the activities and that 85 parade entries were mentioned but not one word about the DUP or the Pioneer Museum where our ancestors’ stories are being preserved along with artifacts.

Just saying, maybe we should recognize these great people who keep the history going.

Sherrie Harbertson

North Ogden