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Letter: Don’t infringe on Americans’ right to own guns

Jun 8, 2022

I have read several articles lately regarding guns and gun control. One written by a Michael Bowcut with some ideas on gun control. Licensing any and all gun owners. Registration requirements for any and all guns. Renewal of licenses and registrations every X years. Confiscating guns not registered to an owner. And treat guns and gun owners as we do automobiles and drivers. A big difference here is that driving is a privilege — not a right. Gun ownership is a right — not a privilege. As several federal court judges have already ruled — the government cannot require a license for an individual to exercise a right guaranteed by the Constitution. A privilege may require a license. So — the ideas presented do not protect the rights of law abiding citizens but actually infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens.

As for raising the age requirements for buying and/or owning a firearm — sounds a little ridiculous (to me). We allow 18 year olds to vote (very important action), we send troops into war at the age of 18, the legal age to be considered an adult is 18. So it would seem that people to decide if we aren’t old enough to own a gun, why on earth are we, at the age of 18, voting to elect a person to lead our country or to make laws. Seems like a lot of people want it both ways. Background checks are already required to buy guns/firearms. More laws won’t fix the problem. There are some core values that have been and are being attacked in this country and that is what we need to address.

Larry Clark



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