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Letter: Patriotic Lee vs. Democrat-backed McMullin

Nov 5, 2022

Evan McMullin is a former Republican who now has the backing of the Democratic Party. He is running with the complete endorsement of the Utah Democratic Party, whose support he won at its state convention in April. Democrat delegates voted to support McMullin instead of nominating a member of their own party.

Ever since he won the support of the Utah State Democratic party, he has been collecting money from the Democrat’s ActBlue, soliciting Democratic donors. He has also paid over $1.6 million to democratic firms. According to FOX 22, in Bangor Maine, “his campaign paid $715,115 to Break Something, a “full service digital advertising” and political consulting firm that specializes in “electing Democrats, furthering causes, and creating change.”” as just one example.

Senator Mike Lee has conducted his work in the U.S. Senate with the class and dignity that Utah citizens have always come to expect. He is a principled conservative constitutionalist that has, and will continue to, fight against the destructive, anti-Amerian forces that the current administration is pursuing to destroy our great nation.

I believe Evan McMullin has shown himself to be dishonest and deceitful. He has still not paid over $600,000 in debts incurred after his failed presidential campaign in 2016, and now he is mounting more campaign debt instead of paying back old debt.

Jon Grove



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