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Letter: Vote out those who would doom Social Security

Nov 5, 2022

If I could wiggle my nose and make it happen I would replace every Congressman and Senator that voted to put the Social Security Surplus Funds into the General Fund for their use to help pay for their mis-management of tax payments.

Social Security money was the security blanket for every working person in the U.S.A.

It was a separate fund, funded by the workers of every party and every type of job to secure a living after their work days ended.

Congress had no right to take control of our surplus of Security money. It was our nest egg, our Security funds.

I realize some who have never paid a dime into the fund probably reap some of its benefits but still, the contributors should be the ones to control and receive the benefits.

I’m led to believe that one of our candidates will work to eliminate the Security System.

His way of thinking is a total mystery to me but if you have become a millionaire from donated funds I suspect your thoughts and resoning processes are not on the same level as a working man.

The ability to say “no” is a good trait but the wisdom of when to say it is a noteable and worthy item also.

Saying “no” to the responders of 9-11 was a definite mistake along with a few others.

We definitely need some new blood in our government leadership.

Both parties need to work with the U.S.A. population in mind instead of their party being their main concern.

And get vaccinated before a new death surge gets us.

Jack Warner



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