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Letter: Yes, adjustments are in order … for Mike Lee

Nov 5, 2022

(Mike) “Lee has never advocated for cuts to Social Security or Medicare. Maybe some adjustments are in order.” — Larry Clark, Syracuse.

“It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots.” — Senator Mike Lee.

Never isn’t as long as it used to be.

Honorable mentions from Mike Lee: “If a very small handful of states were to have their legislatures appoint alternative slates of delegates, there could be a path.” “Everything changes, of course, if the swing states submit competing slates of electors pursuant to state law.” “Again, all of this could change if the states in question certified Trump electors pursuant to state law.”

Uh, that would be no. Absolutely nowhere in the Constitution is this ever suggested as legal or allowed. And Electoral College slates are tied to the popular vote in each state. Mike Lee knew the alternate elector scheme was unconstitutional and so tried to replace it with “pursuant to state law.” Just which state does he think should be the one to pick our President for us? Mr. Pocket Constitution wanted to replace the U.S. Constitution with individual state laws when it did not suit his greed for power and status as one of Donald Trump’s lackeys. There are no laws that allow states to arbitrarily appoint electors that do not represent the popular vote total in each state. Ours is a nation of one man = one vote. Not one Trump = “I just need to find 11,780 votes.”

Mr. Clark is right on one thing, “Maybe some adjustments are in order.” Absolutely. We need to “adjust” Mike Lee out of office at the ballot box on Tuesday.

Kellie Swasey



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