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Letter: Christensen a proven supporter of Weber students

Oct 1, 2022

I would like to publicly endorse Janis Christensen for the Weber School District School Board. She has served well and proven that she is concerned about our children and the quality of education that they receive. She wants to provide better communication between community and schools and use the education funds wisely.

Janis has lived in our North Ogden for 50 years and I have had the opportunity to teach her talented and beautiful children. Janis has been an advocate for student achievement and our district has raised their graduation rate from 82% to 91% while she has served. She votes for what is best for students and families and isn’t swayed by political opinion. One of her biggest concerns and mine is the inappropriate philosophies and curriculum that is divisive and confusing that is being introduced to our children. She will fight to protect our kids. We need informed, wise people like her on our board. Please give her your vote

LaMar Taylor

North Ogden


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