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Letter: Thoughts on Lee, Ukraine and world peace

Sep 23, 2022

Will Mike Lee be able to guide and function for the good of America without Trump there to back him?

Lee missed a debate with those 2 qualified ladies. No use appearing in a situation that might show a person’s lack of ability when it comes to who you support and who you should work for.

All politicians should be working for the citizens of the U.S.A., not for a political party.

The ads on TV that are trying to discredit his opponent may be true but, every Congressman in Washington D.C. receives donation money to support their campaign.

Even Mike Lee has financial backing from donated funds.

Too bad that money couldn’t be used for schools or health systems, etc.

Also, the people who rebelled when Biden ordered vaccine shots should be ashamed of themselves. The man was trying to save your lives along with all those you come in contact with.

The money we are donating to assist Ukraine is saving the lives of our troops. Money is simply printed paper.

If we, as a nation, go in debt billions of dollars in an effort to prevent a World War or to feed the poor and hungry, it is worth the effort.

If a natural disaster hit the world try surviving by eating that printed paper.

It won’t taste as good as a ripe tomato or an ear of corn or a can of beans.

Fresh water and fresh air will be a top priority also.

Maybe if we all were set upon by aliens from another planet we could or would unite in peace long enough to combat and eliminate that invasion.

After that then we could do battle among ourselves again.

We can build giant bridges, buildings, etc. We can install new bones, different life preserving organs; we can work miracles but we have never learned to live in peace. How sad!

The human race has the ability to achieve world peace.

Too bad, a very small amount of leaders can lead us all into devastation. Sad.

Jack Warner



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