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Letter: Didn’t fall for scam call, but senior citizens should beware

Aug 12, 2023

I am a senior citizen and this morning I had a "call" from a person who said that I was a victim of "Fraud". He further stated that what I was supposed to do was draw out all of my funds in my bank account "except for $200.00" and get back with him so he could tell me what to do with the money. I did not do this because I knew it was a scam. (I am sure he would have told me to put the money in some account so he could access it.) He further stated that I was supposed not to tell any one at the bank because this should be a confidential action. I just think it is imperative that this type of fraud is dangerous because he is just trying to milk all the money he can from the "Senior Citizens". Please be aware of this and don't fall for this SCAM. I have reported this to my local legal office.

Margaret Brough



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