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Letter: A different perspective on Senator Mitt Romney

Aug 28, 2023

In response to Mr. Bernards’ letter, which labels Mitt Romney as a draft dodger, I want to share my perspective.

Many of my friends evaded the draft through deferments of various means, going to college, religious loopholes, getting married, leaving the country, and methods to flunk the physical. Just as many of my friends voluntarily joined the military or respected the law when drafted. I respected the law when I was drafted. I was not exactly thrilled when I got my draft notice, but I did not want to shirk my duty as a citizen.

Courage shows its face in many different situations. Mitt Romney showed his courage when President Trump ignored the constitution and withheld funds, allocated by congress, from Ukraine. He was the lone Republican Senator to defend the constitution and stay true to his religious faith during Trumps’ first impeachment. The peer pressure from fellow Republicans must have been crushing. How dare Mitt not go along with the “The Kings’ Clothes” Kool aid Senator Mike Lee and fellow republicans were drinking?

While President Trump was licking the boots of murderers, for a possible Hotel or Golf course deal, and sabotaging NATO, Mitt stood up for what was right and for the American people.

I pass no judgement, on my friends, who chose not to defend their country, that’s their choice. But elected officials who do not defend the constitution are traitors.

I salute Mitt Romney for his courage.

William Wagstaff



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