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Letter: Port in Box Elder County would be bad for lake

Aug 28, 2023

The Utah Inland Port Authority is quietly going about establishing more industrial ports in areas across Utah. An audit on the port authority showing significant financial mismanagement. From studying other ports, we know they disrupt eco systems, provide only low wage jobs, increase truck traffic, rail traffic and pollution. They also mar the landscape with warehouses and industrial complexes. Additionally, these Utah ports are planned on crucial wetlands bordering or very near the GSL. Not only do wetlands help protect the Great Salt Lake, but they are stops for migratory birds and help keep our waters healthy. The most recent port hub is planned for Box Elder County, with one portion incentivizing industrial development less than half a mile from the Bear river Migratory Bird Refuge and another aiding a company that distributes 140,000 tons of alfalfa overseas. Alfalfa is a very water intensive crop. The state is subsidizing the ports, their destruction of wetlands and the export of our scarce water supply. Instead we should be protecting our wetlands and helping farmers optimize water use. Let your legislators know your views.

Patty Becnel



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