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Letter: Thank you, legislators, for support of education reforms

Feb 4, 2023

These past weeks, the Utah legislature showed overwhelming support of House Bill 215 that provides teacher pay increases and funds other education options. The historic vote was the first time a legislature has supported this type of bill with a super majority anywhere in the country.

As a homeschool mom, I am grateful for this legislation. Through my work with various alternative education organizations, I know many families who will be blessed by the Utah Fits All Scholarship.

Some families are able to do what I do and completely take on the role of educating their children. Some families, due to their circumstances, need full-time schools that provide an education to their children. And still other families may need a hybrid of the two.

As part of our "school day," my boys, along with our homeschool co-op, attended the House Education Committee when they voted to pass HB215 on for general voting in the House. My 10 year old son and I even got to make a public comment voicing our support for it.

We were also at the capitol with my boys on January 24, when over 1,500 parents, students, and teachers showed up to voice their support for this amazing bill. The legislature heard their voices. The phone calls, emails, and postcards from their constituents over the last year made a difference.

It has been an honor to participate in the legislative process and to show my children how the voice of the people, especially participating in local government, really can make a difference.

I want to thank those that supported the teachers with pay and parents with choices. Thanks to my Representative Katy Hall whose campaign sign I proudly displayed early on in my yard due to her stance on school choice.

My Senator, Ann Millner, said it best when she told me that this bill isn't about teachers or parents. At the end of the day, this bill was about students and making sure that each student in Utah has the right fit for their education.

Thank you, Senator Millner, Representative Hall, and all of Utah's legislators!

Kimberly Maycock

South Weber


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