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Letter: Weiler’s right to seek criminal defense options

Feb 17, 2023

I did not agree with Sen. Todd Weiler, Woods Cross when he took the power of our locally elected School Board Members to act nimbly to control the spread of disease in classrooms by going to online classes. (Weiler HB183).

Also I did not agree with Weiler at a January 2023 Town Hall Meeting when he said that Trump was not responsible for the polarizing of the political parties. Especially when no one in the audience asked any questions about Trump. Why did Weiler feel like he needed to defend Trump who is indefensible?

But more recently when Weiler introduced SB231 in the 2022 general session that would have expanded the scope of preliminary hearings, allowing defendants to “conduct discovery,” testify and cross-examine witnesses on any matter that will aid the defense—-I had to agree with him.

Proponents for reform say that too often judges find probable cause without the defense being informed of the particulars of a case or without allowing the defense to subpoena witnesses.

In some cases, probable cause is determined based on written statements without the two sides ever meeting. Now remember, people can write anything they want—that doesn’t make it true. Sometimes people write total untruths including police chiefs and police officers—I have seen this in my own community. That is why the right to depose is so important.

As a past Children’s Protective Services Worker I do not take asking victims of domestic violence, rape, and sexual abuse etc. to confront their abuser lightly. It must be done with support and care for the witness and yes most likely it will be traumatic for most. But if someone is going to prison or facing the death penalty I agree with Weiler this time.

Witnesses deserve to be treated with respect, courtesy and kindness…but their rights do not outweigh those of the accused according to Weiler and I agree.

Dixie Weeks

Woods Cross


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