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Letter: What if America didn’t have an ineffective president?

Feb 17, 2023

As a nation’s leader (?), Biden is as effective as a set of bald tires in a snow storm. More so, I listen to everything he says before I start to laugh.

Let’s play a game called “what if.” What if Biden gave a speech in a forest and no one was around to hear it, even animals. Would he still lie? Positively yes. What if that China balloon was full of a more deadly virus waiting to explode to kill millions of people and livestock? What if, the balloon had been full of a herbicide to sterilize our farm lands from growing our food supply so we would have to rely on China to feed us? Think about it.

Biden did nothing to bring it down before it got to us. Why? Because he and his family are tied to China through shady and unethical financial deals.

What if, the United States wanted to buy land in China near their military bases. Not a chance in hell. Yet, in the last two years under bozo Biden, China has been able to purchase over 400K plus acreage in America near our bases. This dunderhead should be removed from office along with “laughing gas” Harris before the land of the free and the home of the brave belongs to China or Russia by “default” due to gross incompetence.

Russ Larsen



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