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Letter: Rep. Moore leading on clean energy, conservation

Jul 26, 2023

As a young person from Utah, I like to recognize my elected officials whenever they demonstrate genuine statesmanship, especially when it comes to energy and the environment. In that spirit, I’d like to acknowledge US Congressman Blake Moore of Utah’s 1st District.

I recently had the privilege of attending a meeting with Congressman Moore, hosted by the Janet Quinney Lawson Institute for Land, Water & Air at Utah State University. The roundtable discussion provided a platform for representatives from various parts of the energy sector to come together and discuss ways to ensure cheap, reliable, and clean energy for the state of Utah. It was an encouraging manifestation of what many are calling “the Utah Way.”

As attendees voiced their concerns and ideas, it made me reflect on how badly our nation needs more of this kind of leadership — especially on the topic of energy. Politicians need to bring everyone to the table and find solutions that work. Luckily, Representative Moore seems to have a knack for leading this collaboration, and he has demonstrated that he is serious about finding solutions to the energy and environmental challenges we face in Utah.

It is reassuring to see many of our state leaders actively engaged in addressing energy challenges and seeking innovative solutions. Utah industries have a substantial “carbon advantage” over foreign competition, and if we will proactively lead on energy issues, the clean energy transition can become a major economic opportunity for our state.

Andrew Sandstrom

Pleasant View