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Letter: Time for a little summertime lemonade

Jun 1, 2023

What do you do when life's circumstances serves you up a bunch of unpleasant surprises, or lemons? Ogden City has found itself in that situation with the purchase of the highly toxic "Swift" building which spiked almost 6 million dollars in environmental clean-up. The building has been cleared, the clean-up has been completed, and the site sits vacant. In March, Mayor Caldwell decided to evict the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah (WRCNU) from the city owned property, the former animal control building, where they have been housed since 2009. This action has caused the suspension of the WRCNU's vital role of saving Utah's injured wildlife. Along with refusing new ailing clients, those animals that are not well enough to be released will be destroyed. The WRCNU is the only provider in northern Utah that caters to these stricken creatures. The importance of WRCNU's mission is critical to the State of Utah and the local communities.

Now comes the lemonade part, Ogden should give the "Swift" property to the WRCNU along with a substantial grant to help them build a new facility. The city recently gave a plot of former commercial land to a developer to build residential units, with $800,000 cash for road construction. So, the city can give away property and money when it suits them. Investing in the WRCNU will help our community and show a true commitment to our incredible wildlife neighbors. Nothing is more refreshing than that first sip of lemonade on a hot summer day.

Kerry Wayne



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