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Letter: Blake Moore meets young GOPers on the slopes

Mar 29, 2023

More leaders should follow Congressman Blake Moore's example.

Last week I had the privilege of taking College Republicans from Utah State University to Snowbasin to join Utah Young Republicans and Congressman Blake Moore for a conversation about the economy and the climate challenge.

We were glad to hear these topics are also on his mind. We all want to protect our winters and make sure our great Salt Lake is here to last.

Importantly, we talked shop, too. Especially important to everyone in the room was pushing back against the Democrats' climate policy with substantive, level-headed solutions that match the size of the problem.

I am always impressed with how genuine Rep. Moore is and how willing he is to meet with younger conservatives and talk real substance. He took our input seriously and treated us like equals -- as a young conservative, you don't get that from everyone in government.

Ryan Smith



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