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Letter: My Hometown Ogden volunteers a blessing to our community

May 10, 2023

Friendly smiles and greetings. Rakes, shovels, gloves and hard working people. Perspiration (okay, sweat!). Dirty hands. This past Saturday, May 6th, My Hometown Ogden sponsored thirty-some work projects across the Ogden community. Elim Lutheran Church, 575 23rd St in Ogden, was one of the fortunate recipients. Over twenty volunteers came, planted flowers, pulled weeds, shoveled dirt and helped to beautify our church grounds. Simplified Landscape Company even volunteered their time and equipment hauling off at least ten loads of dirt, helped lay fabric barrier and wood chips on the strip of ground between our side walk and street. All acts of kindness and goodness for the sake of building community and sharing the love of Jesus.

This is the second time in two years Elim has benefited from My Hometown Ogden. Good neighbors who see a need and do what they can to meet that need. Good neighbors who come and give of their time and energy regardless of faith or creed. It is the story of the Good Samaritan lived out. Individuals and families we had never met before came and worked improving our church grounds simply because they care. May churches, families and organizations have benefited from these acts of love and kindness.

On behalf of Elim's members, and all those who have been the recipients of such acts of Christian kindness without receiving anything back in return, thank you! Thank you for putting your faith to work -- for your Christian action and love that you put into motion! You help break down barriers. Thank you for making Ogden a great place to serve and live.

In a day of political chaos and strife where so many are divided by fear, suspicion and doubt the leaders and volunteers of My Hometown Ogden have won me over!

We love and appreciate each of you all and are grateful to our Lord for all you have done and continue to do. May we all follow your example of working together to build and strengthen our communities.

Sincerely yours,

The Rev. Bruce Kolasch

Pastor, Elim Lutheran Church



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