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Letter: Technology is crucial to modern small business survival

May 13, 2023

In an increasingly competitive and globally connected economy, technology continues to propel small businesses forward and set them apart.

A small boutique in Utah, for example, may be seen by someone in New York on social media, and that person could become one of their top customers. That would be nearly impossible without the internet and social media.

Digital tools have also helped even the smallest businesses streamline things like online ordering, fulfillment and shipping systems, and internal operational processes. Access to these innovative digital platforms are giving small businesses the capabilities to create efficiencies that might have only been accessible to large, well-funded businesses previously. Now any sized business can implement automation to decrease response wait times for customers or create a better customer experience.

This use of tech is allowing small businesses to grow and compete, even in uncertain economic times. In fact, 78 percent of small business owners believe digital tools and online platforms are "critical for success and growth" in 2023 and 75 percent said digital tools help navigate "tough economic conditions."

To ensure that small businesses can continue to leverage these vital tools, Washington needs to support policies that strengthen U.S. technological innovation and the development of existing and other future technologies that will provide these opportunities for our small business sector. If not, the 324,000 small businesses in Utah, and million others across the country, risk losing a critical component to their success and our local economies and workforce could suffer.

Krisana Finlay



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