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Letter: Want to be like Salt Lake City? Let’s help our homeless too

May 27, 2023

Congratulations to Weber School District for building Little Homes and donating 1 a year to Salt Lake City’s Other Side Village.

Evidently Ogden/Weber area does not or chooses to ignore the fact that there are homeless or very low income people right here in our area that also need housing.

If there is a piece of property bigger than a postage stamp, area leaders and developers build apartments, townhomes or condo, that only those with a medium or higher income can afford.

Why have our leaders not considered something like the Other Side Village. We are after all trying to follow the footprint of SLC, with buildings and business on main levels and pricy living unit above, and someday in the near future there will even be a grocery store that will be convenient for those living just above Wall Ave in the newly developed area.

What about the people who have had to leave their homes for new development? Do we just say too bad? We want your land so we can build something else and charge more money.

I’m sure if our leaders really wanted to think about those that are maybe less fortunate, they also like SLC, could find a piece of ground to put a place like the Other Side Village.


Ellen Gardiner
