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Letter: Ben Nadolski is the right leader for Ogden

Nov 10, 2023

I endorse Ben Nadolski for Mayor of Ogden City.

I spent 36 years as a police officer with the Ogden Police Department, the last 4 as Chief of Police. During my tenure as Chief, and previously as an Assistant Chief, I worked closely with City Administration and the City Council. I found the City functioned best when these two entities, designed to offer checks and balances to power, fulfilled their respective roles while looking to the best interests of the City and its diverse constituents.

During my time as Chief, Ben Nadolski sat as a member of the City Council, and as Chair and Vice Chair. His love for the City and its constituents, his logical and reasoned approach to decision making, and his ability to manage conflict were on constant display. His abilities to persuade and influence enabled him to bring consensus to the Council team and avoid or suppress confrontation. He regularly demonstrated, in my opinion, the qualities of a leader.

The City has two solid candidates for the office of Mayor. The citizens of Ogden must choose the one who best meets their vision of the right leader for the right time. The citizens of Ogden should also remember that they are “hiring” the CEO of a $270 million dollar corporation with 600 employees. This is no time to guess on a candidate’s leadership abilities, Ben is a proven product. Ben’s leadership experience with the State of Utah, his management experience as a member of the Ogden City Council, his multi-level connections with formal and informal City leaders, and his love for his home city of Ogden, make him the best choice in my opinion.

I endorse Ben Nadolski for Mayor of Ogden City.

Randy Watt

Morgan County


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