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Letter: Ben Nadolski knows Ogden’s strength

Nov 13, 2023

Ben Nadolski has my vote for Ogden City Mayor. I love not only Ogden's diversity, but also the way the majority of Ogdenites embrace it, seeing it as our strength.

Ben Nadolski has proven his love for our diversity as he has championed the "Ogden Untamed" youth program. It opens up opportunities for every youth no matter their economical background. It provides each youth an awesome opportunity to build friendships no matter their beliefs or ethnicity. It truly breaks down walls at an early age, making us stronger.

As the girls basketball coach at the local high school, I want my team to represent the whole school, which can be a struggle when some demographics don't realize that the opportunity to play is for them as well. I have already witnessed and benefited from Ogden Untamed's outreach to all of our city's youth.

I know Ben will take this same inclusive approach as mayor. That is why he has my vote.

Andy Blodgett



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