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Letter: Knuth a beacon of hope for small businesses, inclusivity

Nov 13, 2023

As the owner of Lavender Vinyl, a proudly queer and independent record store in the heart of Ogden's downtown, I've had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the vital role that small businesses play in shaping our community. With the upcoming mayoral election, it is essential that we choose a leader who not only values and supports small businesses but also advocates for inclusivity and equity in Ogden.

In this regard, I wholeheartedly endorse Taylor Knuth as the next Mayor of Ogden. Taylor has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to fostering a thriving environment for small businesses like mine. He recognizes that the success of local businesses translates to a stronger and more vibrant community. Through his tireless work in the community, Taylor has proven himself to be a champion of the entrepreneurial spirit, offering tangible support to local businesses, providing access to resources, and easing the significant burdens new businesses in Ogden face. His approach is not just talk; it's action: he visits our businesses, spends his own money in our shops, and refers people to us constantly. This didn't start when he launched his campaign, but when we opened our doors at Lavender Vinyl, and it continues today.

One of the most commendable aspects of Taylor's campaign is his dedication to meaningfully including minoritized groups in our city's growth and development. His work on the Ogden City Diversity Commission was inspiring to witness as I worked alongside him. He engages in difficult conversations without fear, and it was never more evident to me than when he stood up on behalf of our community to push the city to keep the Marshall White Center right where it is. This is not merely campaign rhetoric -- it's a reflection of his values and vision for our city.

In Taylor Knuth, we have a candidate who understands that a thriving small business community and inclusivity are not mutually exclusive but rather go hand in hand. As small business owners and community members, my wife Lisa and I believe in Taylor Knuth's vision for Ogden, and we wholeheartedly endorse him as our next Mayor.

Kye Hallows



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