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Letter: Steve Van Wagoner cares about Ogden community

Nov 13, 2023

I have known Steve Van Wagoner for many years. I had the honor of co-founding Ogden Soccer with him and know how passionate he is about Ogden. Steve is truly what our city needs. He has the best interest of our community and dedicates many donated hours to serving our community and children in our community. Steve cares about our parks and the future of our open space and the future of Ogden. Steve is open minded and has listened to the public and continues to engage within our community with our citizens and gets to know what our community wants and needs.

Steve is fair, ethical and most importantly has a big heart! We all know in trying times today that we need strong like-minded individuals running our cities and our nation that can get us on track for a bright future for generations to come. I've been a supporter of Steve from the day I have met him. I highly endorse Steve and his agenda that he has for our community. I'd encourage you (if you haven't already) to do some research on all the things that Steve has done for our community without recognition or monetary income.

Ogden is a great city, and we need to continue to move in the right direction and Steve is a man that is a doer and can get it done!

Krystal Neumayer



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