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Letter: Van Wagoner has the right vision for Ogden

Nov 16, 2023

I want to announce my support for Steve Van Waggoner for City Council.

I have read his opponent's positions on local issues, an individual who is personable and who says the right things. But whose voting record while on the planning commission don't line up with where I think Ogden should be going. I feel that his voting record is moving our city in the wrong direction, a direction of trying to make Ogden another downtown SLC. I've lived in Ogden for some 45 plus years and I came here for the quality of life we have here in Ogden. Something I want to protect. I see many newcomers around town that are trying to convince us that we need to look more like a big city, something that frankly I moved away from because of all of the negative trappings that come with a big city. If that's what you want then his opponent is your man.

Steve has impressed me with the level of detail at which he has dug into learning the operations of the city in order to be prepared to take on the assignment. He's not just read the PowerPoint presentations provided by the city staff but he's dug into the tedious details backgrounding the issues at hand, something that I can only assume that his opponent hasn't done while on the planning commission from my observations of his voting record and his responses to my questions.

My vision of Ogden is that of an efficient well-run city that's governed openly, welcoming to all, family oriented and where everyone feels safe. Where its first priority is to take care of its residents and local businesses while maintaining the infrastructure and not inadvertently taking on hidden business risk or creating more bureaucracy.

Ogden shouldn't try to look like some big city with 4-story apartment buildings everywhere or feel that we need to offer financial incentives to entice out of town businesses to move into our city.

If your vision is my vision, please vote for Steve.

Rob Garner



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