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Letter: Bond for Justice Center invests in Ogden’s safety

Nov 20, 2023

What price are you willing to pay to improve community safety and enhance the well-being of our neighbors? This endorsement explains why we fully support the Weber Justice Center Bond proposal.

As we approach Thanksgiving, we are grateful to live in a community where law enforcement, neighbors, local businesses and charities have collaborated to provide a safe, supportive community. One example is the 52% reduction in Part 1 crimes in Ogden over the past 14 years. Successes were achieved with resources and capacities 20+ years aged. Your local leaders have diligently managed costs and avoided significant expenditure over the last two decades. This proposal prevents a reversal of positive trends achieved and secures further societal benefits.

The proposal’s cost for the average household is $4.51 monthly. Different than other tax proposals, this initiative lowers total society costs by considering the benefits of applying appropriate care and modernizing systems. One example involves on-site health care capabilities avoiding the costs and concerns of transporting inmates to community facilities.

Recidivism is a person’s relapse into criminal behavior. In Utah, the latest recidivism rate is 46%. This proposal provides proper health care including dealing with mental health stresses in a more secure setting, using proven evidence based techniques. The expected outcome is a reduced recidivism rate, further improving community safety and increasing the likelihood of successful re-integration for deserving persons and positive contributions to society.

During these financially challenging times, we too prefer lower taxes. We encourage everyone to base your decision on consideration of the expected benefits and projected lower net future costs. We strive to ensure your future Thanksgivings include gratitude for our safe communities and neighbor well-beings. Vote Yes for the Weber Justice Center Bond proposal.

Jon Greiner, Ogden

Randy Watt, Morgan

Jill Korford, Ogden

Eric Young, Ogden

Bill Campbell, Syracuse


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