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Letter: Desiring to help state solve the Great Salt Lake conundrum

Nov 21, 2023

"H20ptimization" and "Thirsty for solutions" are two headlines from your newspaper (Nov. 9 and Nov. 10-12) that deals with the needs and problems of the Great Salt Lake.

I can't write a letter long enough to explain and show my solutions to these problems but I will say, "I have the answers to all the Great Salt Lake problem, the Lake Mead problem, the farmers irrigation problems and the Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico H20 problems.

The biggest problem might be the ability of politicians in all these areas to accept and work the idea in unity.

Engineers who hear of my idea and then say, "Oh, yes we've been working on that idea," are also a problem for me.

In 1964 when I wrote to automobile manufacturers about my idea on having drink holders in cars, the answer I got from their Engineering Dept. was one of "We're working on that."

Not Long after that drink holders in cars became a reality, but I received no benefits for the idea.

Anyway, if the $65 million (newspaper quote) and all other pricey ideas don't pan out maybe those with the powers of authority might talk to me.

I'm an old goat of 85 years and I could have saved the State many millions of dollars when the pumps were bought and put in place.

(I have an idea for their use also.)

I hope to make an impact on Utah's survival before I pass on.

I'll solve their H20 problems and save them millions.

Like the old saying goes, "Try it -- You'll like it."

Jack Warner



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