Letter: Economic development too big of a driver in Ogden
I’m disappointed that the Economic Development department is the prime spokesperson for the Wonder Block of Ogden. The mission of Economic Development is to make money and good planning should not come in second. Every piece of vacant land does not have to make money. We need good planning with some aspects addressing economic development. We do not want or need all creative use of land led by economic development. A good example of this is the development of “affordable” housing where economic development has pushed every square inch for making money and little requirements for adults and children needs for community amenities. I once asked a small group of residents to list the “amenities” of Ogden. One person came up with the Dinosaur Park. One person! One amenity! Our river trails (big time amenity) have little open space but do have housing right up to the paved trail. This economic development carries over to Washington Boulevard which no longer meets my description of a “Boulevard” and should be changed to “street”. There is little time left to fend off the developers. Ben Nadolski comes from a background of planning and management. He understands land use, where the money is and what the public wants and needs. He understands the threats to open space and the way to structure a working organization to fit all purposes.
Jay Hudson