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Letter: Remember the elderly during the coming holidays

Nov 30, 2023

This should be a glorious time of the year. A time to be surrounded by family, friends and the love for one another. For some, this is not to be the case. So much is done for the little ones that would go without during these difficult times. There is Toy For Tots and so many other wonderful programs to make sure that they can feel of the Christmas Spirit. There are plenty of holiday parties for friends and family members to renew the love and friendships that make the holidays much brighter. But there are many elderly folks who, because of some physical restrictions or monetary limitations, might not be able to receive the attention and friendshipping so needed at this time of the year. Many are far from their families and can no longer afford, or manage the difficulties of traveling to be a part of the festivities of watching grandchildren open their gifts, or the sharing of a holiday meal with loved ones. Many will be alone on Christmas morning with nothing under their Christmas tree. Sadly, many will not be invited to a festive party or a holiday meal. I am all for making sure that Santa finds the houses of every child. My prayer is that he also finds the homes of the elderly or the ill or the lonely. The gift of time is often the most treasured.

Lynn Elizabeth Chatterton
