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Letter: Nadolski’s character, integrity make him best fit for mayor

Sep 1, 2023

I strongly support Ben Nadolski for Ogden City Mayor. Ben has served on the Ogden City Council for seven years and has a proven track record of building partnerships and spearheading projects to improve Ogden. The connections he's made as a member of City Council and through his legislative work with the Division of Wildlife Services will be invaluable as Mayor. As a former Weber State football player, Ben never misses an opportunity to share his pride in his alma mater and use the leadership lessons he learned on the field while he works to improve our city.

He has demonstrated strong leadership through his involvement in the Ogden River Restoration Project as well as his previous service on the Board of Directors of the GOAL Foundation and the Weber State Wildcat Club. He and his wife have coached youth basketball for several years, and in the last two years he facilitated the launch of Untamed softball and volleyball, to give kids the opportunity to play competitive sports at a recreational level of pay.

Ben has unmatched enthusiasm for our community and is an advocate for more open space to devote to parks and recreation for our youth. As City Council Chair in 2022, his leadership and interpersonal skills helped to facilitate final action on the location and financial commitment of the City to the renovation of the Marshall N. White Center.

Outside of his role on City Council, Ben has always been ready and willing to contribute to our community in ways that go unnoticed, and for which he does not broadcast. For example, after a particularly intense windstorm my family mentioned to him that we were going to have to rent a truck to clear away debris. The next day, Ben was at our home with his truck, trailer, and chain saw. And he spent that entire week helping friends and neighbors clean up after the storm.

I know Ben as a man of integrity and throughout this campaign has shown the professionalism, capacity and character that we so desperately need to represent us as Mayor.

Darcie Costello



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