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Letter: Our shared endeavor — A heartfelt appreciation

Sep 5, 2023

Dear Ogden City Candidates,

As we approach the decisive moment of today's election, I wanted to take a moment to convey my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional campaigns you have conducted. Your commitment to Ogden, our cherished home, and your genuine care for our people have been truly commendable throughout this journey.

Running for public office is an endeavor that demands courage and a willingness to take risks. Each of you has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our community by putting yourselves out there as candidates. This speaks volumes about your dedication to making Ogden a better place for all of us.

Throughout this campaign, I have been inspired by your deep understanding of our city's issues and your sincere desire to address them. Your tireless efforts, passion, and dedication have not gone unnoticed, and it's clear that you have the best interests of Ogden and its residents at heart.

As we await the outcomes of today's vote, I want to extend my best wishes to each of you. May the results reflect the hard work and dedication you have invested in your campaigns. Regardless of the outcome, I hope we can all remember that our shared objective is to move Ogden forward and create a brighter future for our city.

We are stronger when we work together, combining our unique perspectives and talents to address the challenges that lie ahead. Let us embrace the opportunity to collaborate and make a lasting impact on the lives of Ogden's residents.

Thank you for your remarkable campaigns and your commitment to our beloved city. Today marks a significant step on our journey to bettering Ogden, and I look forward to the possibility of working alongside each of you in this shared endeavor.

Good luck in today's vote, and may our collective efforts lead to a prosperous and thriving Ogden.

Warm regards,

Steven Van Wagoner

Candidate, Ogden City Council District 4


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