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Letter: Why even consider Trump?

Aug 30, 2024

You ran a very good letter a few days ago from a Mr. Larry Nalder: “Asking for information concerning Donald Trump.” Excellent, sir! As a registered Republican and a career Army officer combat veteran, I have questions about two recent articles in the news. First: Trump reposted an item that claimed Kamala Harris got where she is by performing sexual acts. As this is a family paper, I won’t repeat what he said, but it’s been published openly so readers should know by now what he repeated. Now, even if you like his policies or what he claims he will do if re-elected, is this the kind of leader we want? If he shot off his mouth like this about a female (or male) leader of another country, what do you think would happen? If you posted or reposted something like this at work, what do you think would happen? Second, we have all heard about his recent trip to Arlington National Cemetery. I have friends buried there. I have been only once but it was a sobering experience. It is truly hallowed ground. He clearly used this trip for campaign reasons. But what struck me is the photo of him with relatives of heroes; he has his big grin and thumbs up posture. Who goes to that cemetery, or any other cemetery for that matter, and flashes a grin and thumbs up for a photo? (Our governor was there, too, but that is another matter of concern.) Think, folks.

Ken Freimuth

LTC, U.S. Army, retired
