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Letter: Words of advice for new Latter-day Saint apostle

Jan 29, 2024

In the article titled "Standing Against Abuse", the new Latter-day Saint apostle Patrick Kearon made some very accurate and powerful comments about care for sex abuse victims. One statement in particular would resonate with any caring individual or group. He said "We must all be much better in caring...and move beyond just surviving that ordeal."

I would hope he would address the current LDS policy cited in the article, or maybe the reporting hotline versus a policy, that allowed a predator to continue the abuse. Client-clergy privilege is apropos when there is no crime involved, i.e. sleeping with another adult is wrong "religiously" but not criminal. Rape, child abuse, et al, are crimes and no church or group privilege should shield a criminal.

Also, I would encourage he review his statement "we are all children of God." It is accurate to say "God loves all people" but the Bible paints a different picture that we are all His children. Ephesians 2:1-3,13 shows that we were not near to Him, we were actually far away, and though many have been brought nigh/near, many today are still dead in their sins and still not near. Other verses express the same thoughts, so I am not trying to create a doctrine out of an isolated verse/s.

Gary Griffenhagen

South Ogden


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