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Letter: Response to Donald Carper’s letter to the editor

Jul 30, 2024

This is in response to Donald Carper’s letter to the Editor who asked what integrity and standards the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saint people would have if they voted for Donald Trump.

He quoted Apostles stating that, “integrity means we do not lower our standards or behavior to impress others or to be accepted by others. You do what is right, let the consequence follow.

He is talking to everyone in the church, but how many will hear . You don’t go along with the crowd who is smoking and take a cigarette just so they will accept you. You could become addicted to tobacco. Or have a drink consequences could be you could become an alcoholic.

Also he quotes Mr Comer “saying we have integrity is insufficient if our actions are inconsistent with our words.” That would be like going to church every week and then drinking and partying all through the week.

Mr Carper, you can’t judge a book by its cover. Donald Trump has made some mistakes, but haven’t you as well?

In the Bible there is a scripture that states, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged and with the measure you use it will be measured with you.”

There are very many good intelligent high ranking people in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that are voting for Donald Trump. The governor of Utah endorsed him on television just the other night.

You can’t doubt the integrity and standards of the people in the church who vote for Donald Trump. It’s a private matter between them and the country who they love that they are willing to go out and vote!

Sounds like you’re that one bad apple in the basket of good apples who will spoil the whole bunch. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I am voting for Donald Trump, standards and integrity intact!

Denise Bennett

West Point