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Letter: A call for Willard residents to attend meeting

Jun 12, 2024

Willard residents deserve a voice in decisions that impact our city. This Thursday night, at 6:30 PM, a critical City Council meeting will be held at Willard City Hall. The primary focus is citizen representation regarding the recent gravel pit rezoning approved by the county for a city gravel pit.

Many of us voted for a change in leadership by electing three new city council member’s last fall. However, concerns have arisen regarding transparency and due process in recent decisions, particularly the gravel pit rezoning pushed through the county system by the mayor and other senior officials. The agenda also includes a public hearing on the sewer rate increase, which seems unrelated, however there is an ironic tie in.

Did this rezoning process adequately consider the interests of Willard citizens? Did the new council members have a proper say? Their comments suggest they were sidelined. This lack of representation and due process is troubling.

Silence Isn’t Consent: Speak Up and Show Up. Several meetings were held before the county approved the rezoning. Do you support this final decision made without the involvement of our newly elected council members? It’s time to bridge the communication gap that has developed over the past few years. Attending this meeting might feel intimidating, However, simply being there demonstrates your concern and commitment to our community.

Let’s Rebuild Trust Together. For decades, Willard has been a place where residents felt heard. This letter isn’t meant to be negative, but a call to action. We, the citizens of Willard, along with those we have representing and working for us, are Willard. Let’s work together to ensure our voices are valued and represented by our elected officials.

See you Thursday night. Your presence will speak volumes!

Clyde Westley
