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Letter: Response to remarks about so-called advisors to LDS apostles

Mar 7, 2024

On February 16, Mr. Thompson made numerous comments. Included were advice to self-proclaimed advisors and others who do not understand workings of God/the scriptures, Bible/scriptures are understood with help of Holy Spirit, Elder Kearon takes marching orders from heavenly Father not from self-proclaimed advisors. I would like to share some thoughts in response.

There are 2.6 billion Christians in the world. Like the others, I received Jesus as Lord and Savior (Rom. 10:9-10) As Jesus said, the Holy Spirit/Ghost lives in us (John 16) and we are to do what Jesus said in Matt. 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15-18, go into all the world, preach/teach the Gospel, speak in new tongues, lay hands on the sick who will recover, etc.

How did we learn and prepare? Jesus outlined His church in Eph. 4:11-12, where He gave some apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, etc. These equip the saints for the work of the ministry, etc. What ministry have we done? Millions have heard the Gospel/received Christ, millions have been fed, millions received clean water systems, thousands rescued from human trafficking, millions in prison heard the Gospel, millions healed (a hospital in NW USA closed after so many healed), and more.

We heard scriptures from Timothy, Titus, Ephesians, et al, to study the Word, to remember what we have been taught, to teach others sound doctrine/rejecting strange doctrines, to continue in the Word, etc. As Mr. Thompson said, we received help from the Holy Spirit/Ghost to learn scriptures and do millions of projects throughout the world. Personally, I have taught/ preached and witnessed to 20,000, performed and directed plays to another 20,000, have a weekly radio show playing in 60 different cities, a Podcast that goes around the world, etc.

I do not call myself and others self-proclaimed advisors but rather followers doing His will and bearing fruit.

Gary Griffenhagen

South Ogden