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Letter: Urgent action needed: Protect democracy in Utah

Mar 8, 2024

Dear Fellow Utahans,

I write to you today with deep concern over recent actions taken by Utah Republican lawmakers during the 2024 legislative session. These lawmakers, under the guise of governance, have passed legislation that aims to conceal their official duties from the public eye. Such actions not only undermine transparency but strike at the very heart of our democratic principles.

It is disheartening to witness elected officials who are supposed to serve the interests of the people, instead, actively work to erode the foundations of democracy. By passing numerous bills to make their information more private and obscure their public business, these lawmakers are effectively shutting out the voices and oversight of the citizens they are meant to represent.

The actions of the Utah GOP are deeply troubling and stand in stark contrast to the values upon which this nation was founded. The founding fathers of the United States envisioned a government that is accountable to the people, transparent in its operations, and committed to upholding the principles of democracy. The recent moves by Utah Republican lawmakers directly contradict these principles and threaten the very fabric of our democratic society.

We must not allow such blatant disregard for transparency and accountability to go unchallenged. It is incumbent upon us, as vigilant citizens, to stand up against these anti-democratic actions and demand that our elected officials uphold the values of transparency, accountability, and integrity.

I urge all Utah voters to take a stand against these egregious assaults on democracy by the Utah GOP. Let us remind our lawmakers that they are elected to serve the public interest, not to conceal their actions from scrutiny. Together, we must hold our elected officials accountable and ensure that the principles of democracy are upheld in the great state of Utah.

Rodney Davenport Jr.

Washington Terrace


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