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Letter: Expressing concern about election

Mar 14, 2024

There’s a big elephant in the room occupied by those of us Americans whose mascot happens to be that animal. That big elephant is the question of the 2020 presidential election: Was it really rigged with fraud? Or was in fact fair and square?

With one exception, our Utah congressional delegation avoids publicly addressing the question. Yet the issue still looms large as the next election draws near with an apparent rematch of the same two candidates. If rigged in 2020, what can assure us that it will not happen again in 2024? If fair last time, what assures us that we’ll not have a repeat of the aftermath of last time culminating on January 6, 2021? Or something much worse?

Why the silence? Is it fear? Maybe fear of us, the electorate? If so, what could we be doing to free our delegation of this fear?

I am quite sure I am not alone in feeling the anxiety from this uncertainty. And, without clear resolution, there’s far more at stake here than relief from my and (maybe?) your anxious feelings!

Bill Heersink

South Ogden


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