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Letter: Let’s all follow the Golden Rule when making choices

Mar 16, 2024

My favorite color is periwinkle blue. Well, really it is a combination of periwinkle blue and a dark purple. My daughter loves lime green and orange. Really? I am obviously not letting her decorate anything in our home. I would never choose these colors, but I would never criticize her for such a color combination. It is her choice and I respect that. We differ on some issues, but we are best friends, and we are comfortable sharing our opinions and perspectives. Can you imagine how sad it would be if our livelihood or friendships were threatened if someone held a different opinion than ours, and thought it acceptable to cause us harm if we did not want to change our choices? I think that it is fair if others want to laugh at our choices or try to change our minds, but not to hurt, scare, ridicule or refuse to invite us to a family party. It concerns me that people who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ forget that He never bullied anyone or called them ugly names, tried to force them to change what they believed, or to not invite them to His party. I say that we should all live and let live. No judging! That includes in religion, politics, orientation, race, culture or a choice of decor colors. Before I form an opinion, I research, hear all sides and then choose for myself. I would never just take the opinion from another just because they are famous or popular on an opinion only news show. I think for myself after getting all the reliable facts, not fake facts or manipulated facts. My daughter can decorate her room any colors that she wants. And I will choose to do the same. We both think for ourselves, and we will never try to condemn, ridicule or manipulate each other. I love the Golden Rule.

Lynn Elizabeth Chatterton



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