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Letter: Trump the wrong man to lead America into the future

Mar 16, 2024

My age has not given me wisdom, but it has given me the long view. Things change and sometimes it is hard to accept the changes. But I consider them all in the framework of my children and grandchildren. What will improve their lives? Climate change and decency top the lists. We are like guests in the world, and like guests, it is up to us to leave it better when we leave than when we came. Donald Trump won’t lead us there. He represents what I never want my children to be — bullies, insulting, racist and self-centered in his actions. He is not loyal to those who protected and followed him, and he is duping those who contribute to his campaign which covers his legal fees. He has made us distrust American institutions that have been the mainstay of American safety and justice. Now people even threaten health experts and scientists. Race and hate crimes increased on his watch and mass shootings have gone crazy. Those are not the things I want for my children. When in office, he also eviscerated over 100 environmental protections — things to clean our water and air and protect animals and lands. He makes our friends nervous and he praises authoritarian leaders. If we do not protect the world we were given and that we are supposed to pass on to our children in better condition with clear guidelines for how to be a good person, we will have failed them. Trump will continue to take the greatness out of America, but Biden represents everything I want for my children’s future: honesty, concern for everyone, not just the wealthy, honoring personal freedoms and choice, and a dedication to preserving justice, equality, and the climate. Our vote is so important and must be guided by principles and truth. Otherwise, how we can face our children.

Patty Becnel



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