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Letter: Democrats, courts are treating Trump unfairly

May 7, 2024

I get a real kick out of Biden as he fumbles and stumbles with his orations. I’m talking about him declaring his worldwide D.N.A. connections to all cultures.

His 42 months of robbing our wallets has incurred over $12T alone. His ex boss, Obama, added $11T in his 8 years. Pres Trump added about $3.5T out of necessity to the China virus. Most of your dollars under Biden have gone overseas or ‘freebies’ to illegals he has allowed to cross our borders or has padded pockets for ‘pet projects’ that don’t really benefit legal citizens.

If you like paying more for gas, groceries, or a burger at McDonalds, by all means vote Biden. If you like all the crime he has created, the lack of safety in our society. If you fear becoming a third world country and another world war, vote for Biden.

The far left is trying to scare you into believing Pres Trump is the bad guy. You really need to do some soul searching. Is he crude in his ways? Yes, however as a businessman, he knows how to get things done. The snollygosters we have in congress and the White(out) House, most have never worked an honest job or day in their lives. Certainly it shows.

Has Trump been accused of many things? Yes, but, he has never legally been convicted of any of them.

It is so petty of that obtuse judge to keep Trump from attending his son’s highschool graduation. How shameful is that? All of this nonsense is their own form of “ELECTION INTERFERENCE”. Just goes to show you why they have a donkey for a mascot.

Russ Larsen



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