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Letter: How billionaires negatively affect our lives

May 16, 2024

Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, has purchased Powder Mountain and has changed many aspects of the ole family run business that so many of us were used to. Season passes are $1700 and a day pass is over $200. The $10 hamburger is $25. The new motto is "Being and Doing" instead of being family friendly. The best run in the world off the back of James peak will be forbidden and DMI, the world's 2nd best run will have a lift to it. We used to have to hike from Sundowner to the Bald Knoll to catch DMI. The worst problem of our billionaire is that he and his wife, Patty Quillin, have joined the Soros group supporting the rogue prosecutors over the country. These rogue prosecutors have allowed a tsunami of shoplifting and organized theft from retail stores and pharmacies. They no longer prosecute these crimes. Rogue prosecutors do not ask for bail, ignore violent teens, allow carnage in the streets and eliminate incarceration. Rogue prosecutors have ruined many of our large cities. Parts of many of our great cities have become war zones on weekends. I have always wondered why these billionaires, as Soros, Zuckerberg, Moskovitz and now Reed Hastings hate America so much they support these anti-constitutional prosecutors. Billionaires have made their money in America and now are trying to ruin it.

Alan Abdulla



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