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Letter: Rep. Lesser fighting for Utahns’ freedoms

Sep 6, 2024

We the people of Utah are indebted to the citizens of Ogden for both the foundational principles and enduring strength of Utah’s State Constitution. Whether in 1900 or just last week, Ogden State Representatives have been instrumental in writing and protecting “the principals of a free government” including the Declaration of Rights which clarifies that “all political power is inherent in the people“.

In a speech last month, Weber County Rep Rosemary Lesser stood on the steps of the State Capital defending that political power to a crowd of hundreds of cheering citizens. Prior to her speech, I had no idea that the man most responsible for including Article 1, Section 2 in Utah’s Constitution (the initiative and referendum process) was State Representative Sherman S. Smith of Ogden. It wasn’t an easy sell 125 years ago to get a legislative body to agree to be co-equal with “the people,” but together with Ogden’s independent-minded citizens and Rep. Smith’s determination, Utah became and remains one of only a handful of states with the people’s “right to alter or reform their government as the public welfare may require.” That right stands today as a reminder of who “the government” is — or it did until last month when the Legislature hastily called itself into an “emergency session” to add Amendment D to the November ballot. Amendment D would change Rep Smith’s original co-equal language and give the Legislature power to undo the past century or any future citizen-driven initiatives.

As a proud defender of the people, Rep Lesser is the only representative in Weber County to speak out against this power grab. Amendment D would erase Ogden’s historical contribution to Utah’s Constitution, as well as the right of all Utahns to “reform their own government.”

So when you vote in November, help Rep Lesser set the seal on Utah’s Declaration of Rights and support her bid for reelection. Remember, unlike all the rest of Weber County’s representatives who are giving themselves more power, she’s defending yours.

Kathy Adams

Salt Lake City