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Letter: What do we want?

Sep 6, 2024

Take a good long look at both parties. Then take a look a California. Personally I don’t want to live under that kind of government. That is what Harris wants for us, plus more open borders. Giving more illegals everything free and we pay for it. Give them the right to vote. Places like New York have been on the news crying because of the cost for the illegals in their state and city.

Then there’s climate control. At one tie there was the Ice Age, Dinosaur, what happened there? There is one person who controls the climate. Of course we can do our part, but that person is GOD.

She will run the price of gas up planning on pushing everyone to EV cars. Lithium batteries are toxic, flammable when they burn like the last semi load had to be left to burn out for hours. They burn super hot.

Pushing for socialized medication. Read Jordan Bigler’s article in the Ogden Standard July 29 2024 how it works for his dad.

Take our guns which takes us back in time when only the gangsters had the guns of the 20’s and 30’s. Defund the police, do we want that?

She helped raise money in Minneapolis for the Freedom Fund when the rioters burned the Twin City.

If you ever watch her everything is funny. She just cracked til it’s ridiculous.

As for her running mate Tim Walz he has lied about his military record, he never was in combat. Has ordered tampons be put in the boys bathrooms at school, and signed a bill for abortions up to just before birth just for a few things.

We have a great country but the world is watching our every move to see where they can poke fun behind our backs. So no matter what we’d better take a good look. The media doesn’t tell it all.

I agree with Russ Larsen Aug. 20. Obama made a statement when he was in office he’d run things from the basement if he could. He is.

Lynette Schwinn

Brigham City