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Letter: America in need of progressive reform movement

Sep 10, 2024

A classic defense of capitalism: With capitalism, you have unfair unequal distribution of wealth. With socialism, you have uniform poverty. So what’ll it be? Unequal wealth or uniform poverty? I agree with that characterization as far as it goes, but it omits something, namely, that there’s another choice and one we’ve applied with mixed success here in the USA: a hybrid of capitalism and socialism in which we practice capitalism but with some guard rails, some referees, and a progressive tax system. At its best, American capitalism has delivered the goals of socialism while at the same time enjoying a thriving capitalist economy. A good example, I think, is the USA from about 1950 through 1980.

And then along came the neo-liberals, who commenced to dismantle the progressive reforms of the two Roosevelts. They got rid of the FCC Fairness Doctrine and we got FOX News. They repealed Glass Steagal and we got the crash of 2008. They dismantled our progressive tax system and the wealth did not trickle down but rushed to the top of the top of the top. They hobbled the EPA and we have runaway greenhouse gas emissions threatening to cook the one and only home dear God is ever going to hand us free of charge. And they dismantled anti-trust regulations, and here we are paying through our noses for food, fuel, housing, and health care.

We do not need a socialist revolution in America. We do need a good old fashioned American as apple pie progressive reform movement. And that’s why I will vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz this November.

Charles Ashurst
