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Letter: Don’t be fooled by alarmist climate predictions

Sep 12, 2024

I would like to respond to a Letter by a Jean Lown published on or about September 6th, 2024 entitled: “Act now to demand climate reform.”

This entire, global scam of what used to be called “Global Warming” and now replaced with “Climate Change,” has many people confused. The planet has often been much warmer than it is now. Ever since I was a child growing up, summer is hot and some summers are hotter than others.

The bad boy in all this is CO2. Life on earth would perish without CO2. All green foliage on earth thrives on CO2. It is beneficial to life. For more than 61% of the earth’s life it has been warmer than it is now. The current warming trend (which is very minimal, especially in the past 18+ years, during which much of the time, no warming was evident at all) is neither unusual nor unprecedented. There were no SUVs or Coal Fired power plants operating in China during these previous warming periods, yet temperatures rose and fell anyway. The warming and cooling of the Earth have natural causes and those natural causes did not suddenly halt at the start of the Industrial Revolution.

During the last interglacial period it was 14 degrees warmer than it is today. The Polar Bears survived and Greenland didn’t melt. The glaciers began to recede at least a century before appreciable quantities of man-made CO2 began to accumulate in the atmosphere and nearly a century before the Man-made Hockey Stick showed warming had started.

During the latter part of the 1970s, the climate alarmists predicted we were headed for another ice-age. A Dr. Kenneth Watt during the first Earth Day celebration in 1970 said, “If present trends continue, the world will be eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us in another ice age.” It is easier to be fooled than to convince someone they have been fooled. Jean, you’ve been fooled. Enough said for now.

Lonnie Crockett
