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Letter: Details for Box Elder High School’s Class of 1974 reunion

Box Elder High School Class of 1974 is excited to announce our 50 year class reunion. We are planning a casual welcome reception at Wingers on Friday, September 13, and a gala party and dinner at the Brigham Academy on Saturday, September 14, 2024. We’ll also have a hike to the “B” and ...

Letter: Do Republicans really support Donald Trump’s behavior?

I was confounded by the reaction of Utah Republican law makers to Donald Trump's conviction. Years ago I was led to believe that the Republicans were staid, strait-laced, honest individuals who followed the rules & obeyed the law while living exemplary lives. What happened? Did they ...

Letter: Climate change an environmental and economic threat

A recent (6/23/2024) piece of news from Mother Jones states that "The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts that the United States will see its worst hurricane season in decades this summer... with energy demand set to skyrocket as people turn on their air conditioners. The ...

Letter: Biden and Garland flaunting the separation of powers

The recent vote of Congress to find Merrick Garland in contempt brings up this issue of the Constitution and our form of government in the United States of America. Three "separate but equal" divisions of our government were set out as the Executive (President), Legislative (Senate and ...

Letter: Police should target street racers, not elderly women

I have a question for the North Ogden Police Dept. Why is nothing being done about the cars racing up and down north Washington every night — screeching and howling and making the public nervous, to say nothing about the sound? Where are your police officers? Could they be giving a ...

Letter: From Iran to the US, the fight for reproductive freedom must continue

As an Iranian American woman who immigrated to the United States in search of freedom over my body, rights, and voice, I am deeply troubled by the current state of reproductive rights in both Iran and the United States. In November 2021, Iran's government passed the "Population Rejuvenation and ...