Unions are said to be having a moment. The story goes something like this: Helped by a presidential administration that touts itself as the "most pro-union in history," labor unions — after decades of decline — are winning big victories against anti-union corporations and extracting ...
Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp!"
The "swamp" is the permanent Washington bureaucracy working to perpetuate itself.
In 2020, then-President Trump said he was succeeding: "We're draining the Washington swamp!"
But it's not true.
"He made government bigger," ...
The national media consider themselves essential in educating the electorate, so what happens when the electorate does not consider them a trustworthy guardian of democracy?
The Associated Press and the American Press Institute just released a poll on the 2024 election and found only 14% of ...
As the philosopher and baseball player Yogi Berra once (supposedly) said, it's deja vu all over again. Student protesters are occupying campuses of famed universities across the country. In New York, Columbia University protesters occupied administrative offices in Hamilton Hall and were ...
When James Madison was a member of Congress in 1791 and charged with drafting the Bill of Rights, he made two grammatical demands. One was that the word "the" precede "freedom of speech" in the First Amendment, and the other was a command in the Ninth Amendment that the "rights retained by the ...
Within the past 48 hours, student protesters occupied Hamilton Hall at Columbia University and then were forcibly removed by New York police. I knew that building well when I was an undergrad there in the 1970s.
Columbia, like most colleges, tended left. The campus had become notorious in 1968 ...