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Ogden woman arrested following alleged kidnapping incident

By Rob Nielsen - | Aug 28, 2023

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OGDEN -- One person was arrested early Sunday morning on suspicion of multiple charges, including kidnapping.

Ambrey Lynn Welch, 34, Ogden, was arrested following an incident during which she allegedly attempted to take a 1-year-old child from a car.

According to court documents, Welch was arrested for aggravated kidnapping, carrying a dangerous weapon under hte influence of alcohol/drugs, obstruction of justice and intoxication.

The affidavit of probable cause states that officers were called to the 500 block of 31st Street around 12:02 a.m. Sunday morning for a report of a disturbance. When officers arrived, Welch reportedly was found in the street.

"Ambrey was carrying a can of beer and an approximately 10 (inch) long silver kitchen knife. Ambrey dropped the knife when instructed," the affidavit reads. "As I spoke with Ambrey, she advised she had consumed many beers throughout the night. I easily detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from her breath and person. Ambrey's speech was also slurred. Ambrey also advised she grabbed a kitchen knife as she left her house to investigate suspicious noises."

The affidavit continues that several witnesses on site saw Welch attempting a kidnapping of an infant.

"Three witnesses advised while holding the knife, Ambrey opened the rear door to the victim's car. Ambrey reached in the car and began unbuckling a 1 year old child's car seat. Witnesses heard Ambrey exclaim that she was surprised the child's mother would let them be taken. The child's mother feared serious harm or death would come to herself or her child since Ambrey had a knife in her hand as she unbuckled the child."

Welch's dog was also reportedly running loose in the street and documents presumed she would be further charged with having a dog/cat at large. The dog was wrangled and stowed.

The affidavit adds that the victims did not know Welch and that she refused to provide breath and blood samples once arrested.

Lt. William Farr of the Ogden Police Department told the Standard-Examiner that nobody was injured during the incident.


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