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Tremonton man faces negligent homicide charge after leaving child in car

By Tim Vandenack - | Mar 28, 2023

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OGDEN -- A Tremonton man faces a negligent homicide charge in connection with the death of his 1-year-old daughter after allegedly leaving her in a parked car in Ogden for several hours.

Juan Nolazco, 44, faces the single count, a class A misdemeanor, in 2nd District Court in Ogden. The child died Sept. 22, 2022, the charge was filed Feb. 21 by Weber County prosecutors and Nolazco is to make an initial appearance in the case on Wednesday, according to online court records.

Ogden police initially responded to a "child neglect related cardiac arrest" case at Ogden Regional Medical Center in Washington Terrace, according to the probable cause statement.

Nolazco had brought his daughter to the hospital "stating she had been left in his vehicle for seven hours," according to the statement. Hospital staff said the girl's core temperature reached 107 degrees before her death.

Nolazco was tasked with dropping his kids off the morning of Sept. 22 last year before going to work at Ogden-Weber Community Action Partnership in Ogden. When he returned to his vehicle after work, he discovered his daughter in the car.

"Juan said he takes multiple children to different schools and he forgot about taking (the girl) to daycare," reads the probable cause statement.

The day after the girl died, officers parked Nolazco's truck in the parking stall where it had been the day before and monitored the temperature inside of it. Outdoor conditions were similar the two days -- reaching 72 degrees on Sept. 22 last year and 73 degrees the day after.

By 3:30 p.m. on Sept. 23, a temperature gauge inside the car reached 115 degrees, according to the probable cause statement.

Nolazco was booked into the Weber County jail last Friday and released, according to jail log records.


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